Not all jobs can be automated. Some of them require significant physical effort, sometimes leading to overexertion and work-related injuries. That results in efficiency reduction and short- and long-term social costs related to health loss.

What is it?

An idea of human performance augmentation by letting a man wear a controllable strength-amplifying robotic device has at least 60 years. Exoskeleton first appeared in pop-culture – as a powered armor in Heinlein’s 1959 visionary “Starship Troopers” but soon became a subject of scientific studies.
Present exoskeletons are invented to reduce the loads on user’s musculoskeletal system and (in the case of rare powered devices) to amplify strength and body performance, or to replace motion functions altogether when people with motion disabilities are considered. Thanks to progress in biomechanics, robotics and control sciences, exoskeletons are finding fast real market applications. Moreover exoskeletons are considered a highly innovative and disruptive technology, with potentially significant impact on multiple aspects of human life and the way we do things – from military and industry to sports or life quality improvement for elderly and disabled.
Passive exoskeletons improve work and life conditions by helping to carry more without risk of overloading musculoskeletal system. Simple, durable and versatile design that offers outstanding ergonomics combined with functionality and cost-efficiency .

For whom is it?

There are multiple industries requiring strenuous physical activities like carrying items or using heavy tools. Any cost-efficient solution that reduces loads put on human will both increase work effectiveness and reduce potential short- and long-term health problems.